Here are the words to the song ..
Miranda Lambert – Mama's Broken Heart
I screamed his name til the neighbors called the cops
I numbed the pain at the expense of my liver
Don't know what I did next all I know, I couldn't stop
Word got around to the barflies and the baptists
My mama's phone started ringin' off the hook
I can hear her now sayin' she ain't gonna have it
Don't matter how you feel, it only matters how you look
Go and fix your make up girl it's, just a break up run an'
Hide your crazy and start actin' like a lady 'cause I
Raised you better, gotta keep it together even when you fall apart,
But this ain't my mama's broken heart
I wish I could be just a little less dramatic like a,
Kennedy when Camelot went down in flames
Leave it to me to be holdin' the matches
When the fire trucks show up and there's nobody else to blame
Can't get revenge and keep a spotless reputation
Sometimes revenge is a choice you gotta make
My mama came from a softer generation
Where you get a grip and bite your lip just to save a little face
Go and fix your make up girl it's, just a break up run an'
Hide your crazy and start actin' like a lady 'cause I
Raised you better, gotta keep it together even when you fall apart,
But this ain't my mama's broken heart
Powder your nose, paint your toes line your lips and keep 'em closed
Cross your legs, dot your I's and never let 'em see you cry
Go and fix your make up girl it's, just a break up run an'
Hide your crazy and start actin' like a lady 'cause I
Raised you better, gotta keep it together even when you fall apart,
But this ain't my mama's broken heart
Instead of being the parent who accepts her daughter unconditionally, there are rules and regulations to that love to keep up appearances.. If you have everything in place .. then you are loved, together enough, thin enough, if your stockings have not even the smallest run, if everything in your room is in order, if you fold the towels correctly and the list goes on. There is constant badgering on what the person needs to do or not do to be accepted. And in reality control is never satisfied, there are always more regulations and sets of standards to live up to. It can be exhausting. It is living under “law” and not “love”. The letter of the law kills, but the spirit (love) gives life. (2 Corinthians 3:6). God loved us when we were yet sinners/less than perfect. He loved us and accepted us where we were at .. it is the whole story of the gospel. No one could do what was in the law and God knew that. The law was set in place for us to see that we could NOT meet the standards that were set. That is why we needed a Savior , someone who was perfect to stand in our place .. Only true and perfect love accepts someone unconditionally.
I had known that I could cry for others and at sad movies etc .. but to cry for myself.. that just didn't happen very often at all. The men in my life found that perplexing and could not figure out why that was. I found it puzzling myself. But, I realized from the song that was the way I was raised .. being told .. ” just get over it or you can get over this, “you don’t have to cry”.. you are made of strong stock, keep a stiff upper lips so to speak … I was held as a child if I fell and was comforted though, and could cry at sad movies or if it had to do with things like people who were sick or going through difficulties. I could cry in church with things pertaining to God. Then it was acceptable to cry. I also felt that women used crying as a ploy and I really hated manipulation, and so that was another reason to keep my tears to myself. Over the years I found it hard to cry even if I was alone. So I learned to bury my emotions .. I was not even allowed to show anger or negative emotions when I grew up. No temper tantrums, no stomping my feet, nothing. So what does one do with their emotions when they can’t express their feelings??? They stuff them.
I don't want you to get the wrong idea... i had amazing parents who truly loved and cared for me ... and I had an incredible childhood.... great friends, popularity ... etc .... but there was always those expectations of perfectionism and extraordinary behavior that was expected ... I call it the "Country Club Facade'" ... I hated going to the County Club and having to wear certain shoes in different areas . no flip flops here ... no slacks there ... it was so confusing !!!
That was not my case thank God .. I was popular and upbeat with a pollyannna attitude in life and hmmm the cup is half full and not empty type mindset.
My late husband had all his natural needs met as a young person, but his emotional tank was left wanting. There was very little human touch or communication that was meaningful in his family, no one really was involved enough to get to know him and to train him in how to relate in this world .. He went to private school and felt lonely. and so he retreated to what he called the “cave of self pity”. Thank God when I met him he had overcome and was a strong self confident man .. popular and filled with purpose and direction.
He said he spent much time waiting there for someone to rescue him when he was younger ... public display of affection was frowned upon in his family ... a gentle touch or smile or pat was the norm . and he so yearned for affection. he finally came to the realization that the only one who cared enough to come to his aid was the Lord. Some people who are like this may even appear shy or retiring when all the time all they need is to feel welcome and received. That wasnt the case with Bart, he became very outgoing and was involved in so many things, and excellent at all of them~ He made an inner vow that one day he would put his whole heart into being all he could be and that he would love the woman in his life with every fiber of his being. He kept that promise with me !!! God is amazing how he turns things around!
Another way to come to a place of wholeness is to find a safe and secure place where one can express these hidden/stuffed feelings and get them out. I found solise in a Christian Single's site after my husband died from a brain tumor in 2004. I had done quite a bit of counseling with others before I joined this site and as I was "Sleepless in Florida" after my husband's death, the cha troom was a good place for me to express my feelings and sorrow as I was going through the process of losing my "best Friend" ... there were others who were going through the same things with death of a spouse or divorce so we had things in common. There were those in the chat rooms who just listened and loved and others who were who I called the "religious Pharisee" set who would always be giving their words of advise on how one could live their life more perfectly as I call it or just give some glib scripture that we are to rejoice in all things .. or that we just needed to forgive God or ourselves .. etc... and then there were those who encouraged people to just be themselves and vent their feelings .. so the toxic thoughts and actions could be exposed and they could then heal. Such people helped others through the process of all the "WHYs" and "WHAT IF's" in life and all the unrealistic expectations. A person who will not condemn or judge others as they go through this time is truly an example of "one who bears another's burdens, and I believe very pleasing to God.