"This is what the past is for!
Every experience God gives us, every person He puts in our lives is
the perfect preparation for the future that only He can see."
— Corrie Ten Boom (The Hiding Place)

Saturday, April 7, 2012


UPDATE July 29, 2013:  Donna's second late husband Joe passed away Feb 1, 2013 due to complications from a gallbladder surgery.  She met Joe who was from Iowa in Christian Mingle, Upper Room prayer room with some other pastors at 5 am exactly one year and one week after the death of her first late husband Bart.  They dated long distance flying back and forth meeting for two years to get to know one another.  They were married only 5 1/2 yrs.  She is grateful to God, friends and family who have been so caring in helping her through this time period.  She is reminded that God never gives us more than we can handle and that what doesn't kill us makes us stronger.  Their constant Yorkie companion Gidget also passed away on July 28, 2012.  But, Donna now has a pocket Yorkie named Piper who is one year old and full of energy!  At the same time period she also lost her 19 year old granddaughter Trying times in addition to the many losses experienced just before these recent ones.   People call her a Steel Magnolia, but she knows the real strength in her life is the Lord.

Donna Geertz is an ordained minister who lived with her husband Joe and their adorable 4 lb.  pocket Yorkie named Gidget in Florida.  She and her first late husband pioneered and co-pastored Heart To Heart Christian Church near Charleston, SC.  They were very active in marriage counsel and had a marriage made in heaven for almost 35 yrs. ... they were active in ministering to other pastor couples and their home was nicknamed "Jesus's Inn" ... they were very active in prison ministry and leading many retreats, services and conferences.  They also visited nursing homes and hospitals doing monthly services and serving communion and praying for the sick.  They also were involved in local missions, preaching and counseling.  Her husband enjoyed missions trips to Mexico and Haiti.  She has spoken in many church denominations carrying God's word of hope and restoration, and has led and been a sought after speaker at many retreats and conferences.  She is anointed in the area of deliverance, emotional healing and prophecy. 

Joe, was also an ordained minister and a teacher of the word of God.  He wroteseveral books and has did mission work in India, leading pastors conferences, among many other things in the kingdom.  Joe and Donna were artisans ... creating jewelry designs for people and toy breed dogs.  They were also involved in marketplace ministry.   They loved people and were grateful to be used in any way for God.  Donna's passion is counseling and seeing those in the body come to realize their calling in the Lord. 

Her new delight is writing blogs.  She now has 18 ... all having different themes, but with the same desire... that people would come to realize how much God loves them and that they have a purpose in life!


There is nothing more peaceful and relaxing than being in the arms of someone you love and trust. Every worry, concern and doubt seems to fade away in that place of surrender and dependence. As we come to Father God for comfort, He restores faith, belief, hope and expectation into our lives. Won’t you come with me to that place, and together we will find what we have been searching for.

Sometimes instead of running to the Lord in time of need, we run away.  I have been guilty of that myself at times, but I have found during the times that I don’t understand what God is doing, when I feel abandoned and alone, when I feel God is not listening or has given me way more than what I can take …even when I am angry at Him for what I perceive as a wrong towards me, even though I know in my heart he is perfect…..  that is when I find I need Him the most. 

I so desire to be real, open and vulnerable with you in this little blog,  and share the experiences I have had ... the ups and downs, the good and the bad ... the victories and defeats.  Sharing brings us closer.  None of us have arrived, we are all on a journey, and we were created by God to help one another.  After going through many trials and tribulations, I have found one thing to be true … God is faithful to help us through, and even when we can’t see it, and even believe the contrary… He does always have our best interest in His heart, He has proven that to me over and over.. and sometimes at the eleventh hour!    

I pray as you explore “The Comforter’s Arms”, that you will see glimmers of hope in the midst of despair, and the promise of new life and joy for all mourning.  May you be soothed and encouraged as you encounter life's obstacles, and I pray for those to surround you with encouragement and prayer in trying times.  Most of all I pray that you will find this to be a safe place to share your feelings, thoughts, questions, or any area you need God’s comfort.

Many blessings fellow traveler,


Friday, April 6, 2012




The word below was written years ago during what I had thought at the time, one of the most trying times in my life...  Ha, ha was I wrong, lol .... But, I would like to lay the ground work first in this letter so you can understand what led up to the word. It was after several years of continuous trauma and overwhelming situations. After my father in law passed from Alzheimer's like disease, my mother in law came to live with us at our home, then moved to a small apartment where we also hired some outside care for her, after a fall and 6 months rehab, another move for her with another fall and then into a nursing home and her death. She lived with us for 5 years. All this time we were pastoring a church we had pioneered with my husband Bart who was my best friend in the world.

My parents were living in Florida at the time and we lived in South Carolina. My father had Parkinson's and my mother was caretaker. We were traveling to Florida to support her so many times we kidded that our car could be put on auto pilot and drive itself! Trying to give my Mom support and coming to terms with my father's deteriorating condition was difficult. In the meantime my favorite Aunt passed away, then my best friend, mentor and one of the elders in our church had a cancerous lung removed and we were her caretakers for a season before she went home to be with family and passed away. My husband and myself were so shaken by this loss as we were very, very close. My sister and brother in law both then had cancer at the same time and then my youngest son in his 20's cancer, and my son in law kidney cancer. Our life seemed to be spinning, and we could barely catch our breath before another incident seemed to occur. I was so unbelievably weary from the spiritual battles on all fronts.

My brother in law passed away but thank God my son, son in law and sister recovered with wonderful stories to tell. But, now my mother needed assistance and came to live with us and then to a nursing home. The selling of her condo and closing it down was so sad for her, and much work for us to set her up first in our home and then her nursing home. but we tried to make the best of it by having a get together for the children to take numbers from a hat and to pick and choose some of her treasured nicknaks and such. I was very close to my mother and it was so traumatic to see her go down hill.

We decided to try to make her last years the best we could for her, just as we did my husband's mother. We had movie night once a week with classics and popcorn, Spa day for toenail polishing and facials and such.. out on the town days and Sunday afternoon wings with a friend of ours and his two children. All during the time of caring for my mother, I was finding my beloved husband to be acting abnormally and after several trips to the doctor with several tests nothing could be found. In the meantime, my favorite aunt who loved me unconditionally and I could always go to passed away. 

Then my mother passed away and we were totally exhausted after taking care all the details.  We went away after her funeral and feeling perhaps maybe now things would calm down and we would be able to live again. But that was not to be. My husband was diagnosed with an inoperable stem cell brain tumor and died only six weeks after the diagnosis. Just months after my mother's death, I lost my dearest friend, my husband. The shock and stress was so great, I ended up in the hospital with atrial fib a few months after his death my heart was running faster than a runner's heart. The doctors wanted to stop my heart and then shock it back to life again.. but the Lord intervened and prevented that from happening. I was in shock, numb, devastated, reeling, overwhelmed, .. and trying to hold on to the Lord all at the same time. I KNOW it was ONLY Abba Father who kept me and carried me during this time and gave me the will to go on. My family and friends were incredible as they so loved my husband and it was so hard seeing them going through their own grief. My girlfriend would call me everyday just to see that I was okay. The Lord sent me a special friend who had been my first boyfriend at age 14 for many years ... during this time who also helped me overcome my fears and grief. We never know in life how we touch other people's lives. Just a kind word, concern, perhaps some practical advise, a word of life can help immeasurably to uplift a person who is in a place of despair.

The rest of the story, is that I found I could not face the reality of all the things that had happened in such a short time. I felt like I had been slapped in the face and wondered what I had done wrong. So, I ran for a while .. People go through the grief process in different ways, for me, I felt if I just kept my hours really busy and went from place to place traveling, then maybe it just all wouldn't be true. I traveled with my girlfriend cross country who was moving to California, and went many other places until I ran myself out. I sold my home and moved to Florida to be nearby three of my four children and their families who live in Florida, and other family. I filled much of my time helping and counseling other people online who were going through their own dark night of the soul and I still do find counsel rewarding as I always have!

I met a wonderful, Godly man who lived in Iowa and had gone through Bible College. We met one year and one week after my husband's death and married after almost two years of dating.  We were married almost three years after Bart's death in our favorite place in the Smokey Mountains Oct 17, 2007, in the darling little chapel I had renewed m 25th Anniversary vows with my late husband.. with our two little pocket toy dogs attending!! We now have just one dog.. Gidget, a 4 lb. Yorkie who is just the cutest little diva. Joe and I love seeking God and worshipping Him together and we sell the perfume and spa items he designs. We both design jewelry. Life for us has set new opportunities for us to trust God like never before due to the economy. We have found that nothing else matters, except for loving God and loving people. Sharing the good news with others and helping encourage the saints of God.

All things happen for a purpose. I am fully convinced of that, and the Lord has our best interest in His heart, even when we find that hard to believe. He will love us through all our sorrows, pain, our questions of "why", our times when we want to give up.. when we doubt, when we are angry with God.. in all our fears. He is God and His arms are there to bring us through the worst of times and the best of times... Blessed be the name of the Lord. I will be happy to pray for anyone who is going through their own "Winter" season when it seems like nothing but blizzards and everything feels cold and lonely and when it feels like an avalanche has hit.  Or perhaps you feel like you have been in a dessert for a long time and their is no water .. nothing is blooming in your life, you feel parched and barren.  God is our lily in our valleys.. He causes us to bloom and be a sweet fragrance even as we go through immense challenges.  He doesn't want us to go through these things alone.   I love the scripture in Song of Solomon when the Shulamite girl (a depiction of the beloved of Christ) comes up and out of the wilderness leaning on her beloved.  That is where we should all be coming through our most trying times.   It is the only place of true safety and comfort. 

Just email me donnatrex@yahoo.com

March 7, 2005

Hello dearest ones..

Forgive me for not writing in while .. I have been on a.. shall I say sabbatical.. anyway friends of God.. something NEW is happening in my heart and I pray it is happening in yours too..

A friend of mine, led a worship time last Saturday that was heavenly!! Our purpose was to come together for a retreat, and just lay aside all our agendas to worship at a pretty little house in the mountains of North Carolina. Our heart was to just be quiet before the Lord to see what He wanted to speak to us. Very little words, just worship and one on one quality time with God. No computers, telephone calls, computers, books .. just "sigh".. time with the lover of our souls.

As I began to enter into the presence of the Lord.. my mind kept going somewhere else to a word someone had told me just before i left for the retreat, whom I had not seen in very many years…"that I was tucked away, zipped in their heart" that I always had been and always will be..  It always amazes me how God seems to send those who will help us through rough times. I kept thinking about how precious that was and then the Lord told me "Donna.. you are tucked away and zipped in MY heart too... tucked away safe and secure, right here in the very center...  enclosed and encapsulated"...  People in our lives will come and go, but the reality is that we have a creator, savior and friend who is jealous for us and the God of the universe has us tucked away in His heart .. how amazing.  I had always know and felt this, but God was reminding me.

God's love has caused us to be in Him and He in us.. so we no longer see with our own eyes.. but are insiders looking out with spiritual eyes, We don't have to keep trying to figure it out.. if we see with His eyes.. the way He sees it.. we will be viewing things from a totally different perspective.. and in that place of safety in Him.. "death is swallowed up in victory (1Cor 15:54) " What a word.. especially for me personally with what I have been going through for the last few months.

I don't know what has been in a death process in your life, but in my own.. I can tell you quite simply .. I had not crossed over into resurrection life in a lot of areas... I was still so to speak spiritually in the tomb, in fact until very recently I felt as if I could not even breath. It was as if my heart had stopped beating. It was not until I started speaking to someone who had meant very much to me in the past that I could literally feel my heart start to beat again… the shock of my husband’s death right after losing my mother and all the many tribulations I had gone through before that was more than I could bear, I had no desire to want to live again, not that I would ever have considered anything like suicide, but I was like a zombie just going through the motions of life, but not really living...but... the Lord used my first boyfriend to help me realize there is always room for new starts. He doesn't leave us abandoned in our darkest hours, but many times sends us friends who are like what I like to call "Jesus with Skin on"!

God said to me.. "New life is coming forth.. can you not see it? New beginnings.. can you not see it budding forth.. tender shoots.. sure as Spring .. sure as I am the author of new beginnings.. it is happening.. and I care for my tender shoots.. I place a blanket of grace over them of protection".. We are in a place of safety and security as He is growing us up so to speak in this new thing He is doing.. I don't fully understand it, but I do know that He is IN IT. And I do know that eye has not seen and ear has not heard or perceived what God has in store for us. I know that he has sent this special friend for such a time as this as a blanket of grace over me. To help me look at life from a different perspective.  I believe we are in each other's lives for "such a time as this"many times, to help each other through some enormous situations.  Sometimes we connect or reconnect with ones that we have history with and trust, where we can help each other in the different  "seasons" we go through ... difficult circumstances, and transition times in our lives.  

Beloved friends... we are coming into a place of new beginnings.. it is NOT going to be business as usual.. for God is calling us to a new commitment, and new place of authority in Christ Jesus.. old dreams are dying and God is giving us New dreams ... self effort is leaving, old habits are leaving, old ways of doing things, leaning on our own understanding, old hurts are leaving, mourning, feelings of failure and disappointment... and His Glory is beginning to rain upon us . Spring rains. Isn't it exciting.. and just when we were at our weakest point.. This has become my very favorite scripture.  My heavenly Father has spoken this to me several times in my life and it has always been so precious to me:

Song 2:10-12 My lover spoke and said to me, "Arise, my darling, my beautiful one, and come with me. See! The winter is past; the rains are over and gone. Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come, the cooing of doves is heard in our land.

The WINTER is PAST.. what an awesome word.. I had felt as though I was frozen in time cold and isolated .. what about you???? I am SO GLAD our spiritual winter season is passing.. can't you feel it happening? ... just like a butterfly who has been in transformation.. in a cocoon.. (did you know that the caterpillar goes into a transparent/translucent state before it becomes a butterfly?).. Some have felt like they have been in the pupa stage in the dark and feeling very alone and as though time has stood still in their yearnings for something incredible to have happen and it never did.. not knowing that God has called them to be a butterfly and to spread their wings and not be earthbound. I believe part of what is happening in our lives right now.. is that we are becoming totally transparent with one another and it is helping us come forth into the new place God has for us.. we are being transformed from the cocoon state to one of being a butterfly... and the cooing of the turtle dove is heard... how romantic!!!!! Our God has a way with words doesn't He?

Haggai 2:9 The glory of this latter house shall be greater than of the former, saith the LORD of hosts: and in this place will I give peace, saith the LORD of hosts.

Anything that God has done for us in the past.. all the good things.. are going to be surpassed.. and we will come to a place of peace... how neat is THAT?!!!

Isa 42:9-10 See, the former things have taken place, and new things I declare; before they spring into being I announce them to you." Sing to the LORD a new song, his praise from the ends of the earth,

What happened yesterday is past.. and yet He is doing New things.. how delightful!!

Isa 43:18-19 "Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.”

Wow!!! I love that... a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland..

Phil 3:13-14 But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.

Yea and Amen!!

And so.. dearest ones... that is where I have been... hoping you are all doing well .. I am praying that each one of you will experience this wonderful NEW BEGINNING in your own lives.. thank you for all your calls, prayers and love. I know that has been what has sustained me and brought me to this new place. please continue to pray for me for God to guide me and direct me.. .. you are important in my life and I am thankful to God for each and every one of you...

KNOW that no matter what you may be going through in life ... you are ALWAYS "TUCKED AWAY AND ZIPPED IN HIS HEART"

Pastor Donna Trexler additions 4/4/12

Some comments I received:

Donsie: These words are so beautiful and timely, just like you. You have an amazing gift. I am deeply moved. You have a very keen eye and ear. Love Billy

How absolutely wonderful---and I needed to hear it! I am relating to everything you said and I'm loving it.

Let's try to get together one of these days. Let me know how and when, and I will make it happen.

Donna - This is so beautiful. Thank you. It is all true of course. We, as Christians, know it in our heads. We just find it so hard sometimes to move it that short distance to our heart. I thank you for putting so beautifully into words. I am at that place somewhere between head and heart and this was so wonderful to read and so very uplifting. I just keep saying thank you.

Dearest Donna,
Thank you for your always upbeat encouragemen

The timeliness of this word for my own life is incredible!

Your wisdom forever amazes me, you are such an over-comer.  I want to be like you when I grow up!

Thanks all for the kind words.. I love you all ... Donna